Hancock County (Georgia) Cemeteries

Cemetery details

James Daniel / Daniell Gravesite

All info from Kimbrough's list.

Not found. Directions from Kimbrough list are: "On Tallolah West's place in the Island Creek vicinity."

GMD: 104
Cemetery Status: Inactive
Predominant race: White

Information about the gravesite comes from a cemetery listing done by Effie Kimbrough as part of a WPA project. In November 1942 when making an index to the cemetery listing, Lora West (who may or may not be related to Tallulah West) called the cemetery, Daniell (with 2 l's). Whether she had seen the cemetery or had other personal knowledge concerning the family is unknown.
Indexer or Contributor: Kimbrough list

Number of persons found: 1
Mr. James Daniell / Daniel

- 1798
Age 77. All info per the Kimbrough list. Not found in 2003. The book's list of directions says he is James Daniel, Sr. A cem index by Lora West (in 1942) spells name as "Daniell"
Grave 1